04 Disember 2015

A...... Wolf!

Salam u olls.......

Today I had my ups and down moment.

The down part was that I don't get my transfer to N9. I will still be teaching in Bintulu for next year. Maybe its still not my time just yet. Maybe God have something better for me.

Insyaa Allah.

I must admit that I'm a bit sad, but I also knew that there were others who need it most. So, I'm wishing all my teaching buddies the best. I hope they will get their transfer too.

Well, my up part was today was the first day of Big Bad Wolf Book Festival in MIECC , Mines. I bought a lot of books to cool down my moody self and at the same time to satisfy my nerdy side (or was it bookworm side.... haha) with lots of books. I mean... a LOT.

I went there with both my little brothers and my cousin. Even during workday, there were lots of people. I can't imagine what it would might be on weekend. Luckily, I went on the first day. The event will continue until 14 December so those who are nearby, hurry.... hurry!

P/s: I don't get anything for advertising this. I just want everyone who enjoy reading to come and spent less money for things they love. XD

21 Ogos 2015

Really teacherrrr!

Salam u ollsssss. Hehe
Proud to post yet another post for 2 consecutive day... Hahaha....

Technology.... Technology....

Today I work as usual. Teaching my students as usual. Then in the evening I teached extra class for form 5. Only 8 people came but I don't really mind. At least I knew who was serious.

What I wanted to tell you guys was after my student came back from the toilet. She said that she saw her classmate (did not come for xtra class) asking her who came for my class. So she told him and then she went to the toilet. When she came back she seemed puzzled bcoz that boy is not in my class. She said she saw him walk up the stairs to my class...

Really teacherrr... I saw him walk up the stairs.

She got goosebumps thinking it was not her classmate and I teased her after the class ended.

I said to send my regards to him if she see him later and she freak out. Hahaha...

P/s: I think he really did came but did not intended to come for my class. Nevermind...

19 Ogos 2015

Middle of August

Salam u ollssss

I am much better now. Alhamdulillah. I had bought a new phone because the old one had problem shutting down.

I bought xperia Z2. Its very fast and I like it a lot.


Life are quite simple this day. Mostly focusing on teaching my students. Maybe one or two weird occasion caused by students are fine by me. Teenagers are weird creature in nature. Its a process of learning, right?

My father are getting retired next year and our home in N9 are already finished remodeled. I really hope I can get transferred by the end of this year because I really wanted to live with my parent at least a year because I wanted to experience having my parents around me when I am coming back from work. I hope it will be granted by Allah. Amin.


My pet cats are now 10! 10 cats. In 1 year time! Lala need to slow down and really need to be neutered.  Was that the correct word? Or was it spayed?? Lol 😂

Just now I had watched a video sent by my colleague. It was one of my student. He was teaching physics to the other students during night class. I am impressed. I hope this coming trial he will prevail. Amin.

I am not a student but every time my students are going to face the major exams in their life, I am the one who became agitated. All of them seems very laid back. Ish3...

I wish them all their best for this coming trial. Aminnnn.


P/s: Missing home a lot more these days.

19 Jun 2015

My poem

I can't sleep,
As I am sick,
Alone in my room,
Looking at the TV,
Right hand holding cup,
Left hand full of medicine,
O, when will this end?
As I take a sip.

2.5 hour of air journey to my
real home.
No real sympathy, no real empathy,
Only me,
Looking at the TV.

27 April 2015

I am oldd!

Salam u olllsss....

I am old now... Its already 2015!

This year I am not in good health. A lot of stuff happening these past few month.

1. I fell down stairs....

Hurt my left knee and my Tab S s screen was broken. If I want to repair it I need to pay RM800. I don't have that extra money. So here I am with my old Note 1 LTe... Huhu...

2. BPpv- I have Vertigo. Waaa!

I just found out about it from my dr. I almost pass out in a shopping mall so I hurried and went to a clinic. I think thats why I fell down the stairs in the first place. Hmmm...

I try the Epley Maneuvre and I got massive headache and in the end I went to a clinic and got 4 shots. 1 is to take blood and another 3 is for my headache and giddiness and my double vision. I am better now but need to take care of myself. Considering to go to gym but work took a lot of my time. Hmm...

P/s: first time posting from note lte. Its quite fun actually. Hehu